Vertical Jump Links

There are very much useful and even more worthless information available on the internet about vertical jumping. It's hard to find out, which are good and which are useless. I collect the best vertical jump sites for you, so you can access the most useful articles.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Squat variations

Due to inflexibility, injury or other problems, not everybody is able to do the back squat with correct form. Or you can throw in other exercises just for more variations in your training. Switching to a new exercise can get out you from boredom, or it can help you break through a plateau.
Every exercise trains your muscles and nervous system in a - more or less - different way.

You have other options in squatting.
Front squat:
Barbell Front Squat (Exrx)
Front Squat (VerticalJumping)
How to Front Squat with proper technique (StrongLifts)

Box squat:
Barbell Box Squat (VerticalJumping)
How to Squat - Box Squats (DieselCrew)
How to perform Box Squats (StrongLifts)