Vertical Jump Links

There are very much useful and even more worthless information available on the internet about vertical jumping. It's hard to find out, which are good and which are useless. I collect the best vertical jump sites for you, so you can access the most useful articles.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Higher Faster Sports

Kelly Baggett is the author of the famous Vertical Jump Develompent Bible.
He increased his vertical jump by 19 inches. He's been working as a sport performance trainer for more than 10 years.
On his site, you can find almost everything about sport performance and strenght training. And there are several good articles about bodybuilding as well.

" is uniquely positioned in the market as a resource devoted to methods of increasing sports performance for all athletes and coaches. Strength, speed, explosiveness, quickness, and agility are foundational qualities and typically separate the elite athletes from everybody else. We provide advice on complete physical preparation with the intent on increasing these qualities. We provide material and services dedicated to helping athletes in any particular sport. Our advice, articles, and products have been developed and proven in the real world with real people."