Vertical Jump Links

There are very much useful and even more worthless information available on the internet about vertical jumping. It's hard to find out, which are good and which are useless. I collect the best vertical jump sites for you, so you can access the most useful articles.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Vertical Jumping

Jack Woodrup is the author of the Vertical Mastery. He is a knowledgeable expert of jump training from Melbourne, Australia.
On his homepage, there is a thorough exercise directory, along with program and equipment rewiews.

" originally started under the name of the Vertical Jump Homepage. The decision to build the site came about after I began focusing my training business on vertical jump and explosive sports movements. Anyone who has investigated the available research and literature on vertical jump improvement will soon realise that there is not only a massive amount of information available, but much of it is conflicting with other sources, pure marketing hype, or just plain wrong.
During my own research into the subject I have spent thousands of dollars on books, reports, equipment and programs, and spent countless hours with both myself and other athletes to determine what works and what doesn't. I was fortunate enough to have the means and motivation to spend this time and money but I know that a lot of people, particularly students and recreational athletes don't have that same advantage. As such, this site was created.
If you read any of the reviews of the programs and products you will see that the opinions expressed are both honest, and quite often critical. You see, like anything on the internet there are plenty of people trying to make a quick buck. Hopefully's honest reviews can save you some money and heartache.
I live in Melbourne, Australia where I train athletes specifically for the development of explosive sports movements. I am married to Deborah and have two beautiful children, who if I have anything to do with it will be athletic freaks :-).

I wish you all the best in your training. If you have any questions please feel free to drop me an email via the 'Contact Us' page.
Jack Woodrup"