Vertical Jump Links

There are very much useful and even more worthless information available on the internet about vertical jumping. It's hard to find out, which are good and which are useless. I collect the best vertical jump sites for you, so you can access the most useful articles.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Squat is the most important and most effective exercise for strenght building, therefore this is the most important exercise for vertical jump development. Due to hip and/or ankle immobility not everybody can make full squats with correct form. They have to choose one of the alternative exercises like half squat, front squat, etc..

Useful links for squat:
Barbell Squat
Full Barbell Squat
Squat Analyzis

Here is some thorough article about squatting:

How to Squat (by DieselCrew)

Barbell Back Squat (by VerticalJumping)
Squat and Deadlift (by VerticalJumping)

How to Master the Squat (by StrongLifts)