Vertical Jump Links

There are very much useful and even more worthless information available on the internet about vertical jumping. It's hard to find out, which are good and which are useless. I collect the best vertical jump sites for you, so you can access the most useful articles.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Jump technique

It's a good strategy for vertical jumping, if you focus on strenght training. Unfortunately, some trainees may forget, what is the goal of his training. Jumping is a skill, so you have to practice it. If you have bad jump technique, by perfecting it, you can add 2-5 inches immediately to your vertical.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


The homepage of Jacob Hiller, the creator of The Jump Manual. He is trains with top coaches and professional athletes all over the world.

Vertical Jump Zone

Program reviews and other articles about vertical jump and speed training. And some slam dunk videos.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fat burning for bigger vertical jump

If I break down vertical jumping to the absolute basics, jump height is affected by only 3 factors.
1.How much power your lower body (mostly) can express (strenght). This can be enhanced by weight training methods.
2.In how much time your body can express its strenght. This can be enhanced by plyometric training methods.
3.How much weight your body have to throw into the air at every jump.

Theoretically you can improve your vertical jump by any of the above 3 methods. This article is about the 3rd one.

Diesel Crew

A great site with a ton of great training stuff. There are articles in sport performance, strenght development, rehab, mobility, nutrition and other stuff. They're experimenting with conventional and non-conventional training methods. In the posts there are video demonstrations of the given article.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Squat and deadlift goes hand-in-hand. Both are a compound, multi-joint movement exercise. Some trainers argue, that squat is the best, and other trainers argue, that deadlift is the best exercise for strenght development and vertical jump. The technique of the deadlift is simpler than the technique of the sqaut, so it's easier to learn. This is the exercise where one can lift the biggest amount of free weight.


Their philosophy is simple: train smart, eat right, be consistent. Most of the time they use multi-muscle, multi-joint compound movements with free weights.


Squat is the most important and most effective exercise for strenght building, therefore this is the most important exercise for vertical jump development. Due to hip and/or ankle immobility not everybody can make full squats with correct form. They have to choose one of the alternative exercises like half squat, front squat, etc..

Monday, December 27, 2010

Evolutionary Athletics

Evolutionary Athletics is a great site with good articles about sport performance training and a detailed video exercise-directory.

Exercise & Muscle Directory

Exercise & Muscle Directory is a great collection of almost every exercise ever made by trainees in the gym. And you can find detailed information about the anatomy of the human body.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Vertical Jumping

Jack Woodrup is the author of the Vertical Mastery. He is a knowledgeable expert of jump training from Melbourne, Australia.
On his homepage, there is a thorough exercise directory, along with program and equipment rewiews.

Higher Faster Sports

Kelly Baggett is the author of the famous Vertical Jump Develompent Bible.
He increased his vertical jump by 19 inches. He's been working as a sport performance trainer for more than 10 years.
On his site, you can find almost everything about sport performance and strenght training. And there are several good articles about bodybuilding as well.